Poem: Decisions

Some are light and airy
As a feather
Inconsequential as
Blowing on a cottony dandelion
And watching the pieces
Float onto the grass.

But others
Others take all your energy
To even lift
To contemplation
And just when you know what to do
They change form
Slipping through your fingers
Like water

But the hardest part
If you’re anything like me
Isn’t the decision,
But the aftermath of one

When regret and anxiety
Swirl manically inside of you
Like a fan you can’t switch off
A fan that’s spinning so fast
You fear
It might become unhinged

The days flutter by
While this decision somehow
Shades every aspect of your life
Crawls into parts of your body
You didn’t know
Doubt could reach

Until one morning you wake
Look around
And feel a strange sense of
Because finally
You and your decision
Are one.

8 thoughts on “Poem: Decisions

  1. Good morning Sara Wow! what a beautiful poem – very moving And so descriptive I felt the angst of your decision Whatever it was I’m glad to hear you’re at peace with it All my love, Mom xoxo

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  2. Decisions,decisions,decisions. This lovely poem captures the angst so many of us experience in making our decisions both the minor and the major ones.
    Kudos, Sara for the vivid imagery expressed in this poem.

  3. Sara, thank you for sharing, it is so descriptive and so true for so many, Woh! I am glad you stepped onto the road that led to serenity, Mary Tiernan

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